A Very Very Bad Cinderella Tickets
This is the real Cinderella story direct from the mouths of those so called Ugly Sisters!Keep me updated
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This production is suitable for ages 16+
Performance dates
1 Dec 2023 - 7 Jan 2023
Run time 1 hour 45 minutes
Includes interval
- Show info
- Reviews
Cinderella? Loses a shoe, marries a Prince, blah, blah, blah… whatever! We've seen the story, read the book and endured many a dodgy pantomime version. But who do we really go to see? You know who they are, those ‘Ugly B**ches’ who have us in stitches'. We love them, we hate them… the filthy tramps. This is the ‘Real’ Cinderella story direct from the mucky mouths of the “ladies" that were there. So, lock up your Sons, and all of your Misters, Look out London, it’s the UGLY SISTERS.
Featuring loads of songs lovingly ripped off from the repertoire of those West End Wendy's (but with slightly ruder lyrics to stop p*ssed up women singing along…. this isn’t ‘The Bodyguard’ love). You think you know the story of precious little Cinderella? Think again! Join us at The Other Palace for the naughtiest, stagey-est, panto-packed show in London. Tons of filthy festive fun and a Very Very Bad Cinderella.